Friday, June 29, 2012

Englox Korea

한국 패션 브랜드의 자.존.심 을 살릴 Englox Korea 가 7월!!! 핫한 여름에 런칭을 한다고 합니다. Englox는 England + Oxford (잉글랜드와 옥스포드의 합성어)로써, 새로운 개념의 클래식 펑키 패션 브랜드라고 하는데요. 사회의 다양한 이슈를 패션이라는 도구를 통하여 클래식 하지만 펑키한 느낌으로 풀어나가는 것이 바로 잉글록스의 브랜드 가치라고 합니다. 

영국 본토의 펑키한 스타일 + 시간이 지나도 질리지 않는 클래식함 까지 갖춘 브랜드를 찾고 있다면 7월 잉글록스의 런칭을 기대해 볼 만 하네요:)

패션에 관심있는 분, 또는 방학인데 할일 없고 덥고 지겨워 죽겟다는 잉여분들 하지만 주체 할 수 없는 크리에티브한 아이디어를 폭발 시킬 필요가 있는 분들, 잉글록스의 미운오리가 될 기회를 잡아보셔요:)

Englox와 함께 미운 오리 되고 지산 밸리 락 페스티벌 티켓을 잡아라~!

잉글록스 브랜드 홍보를 기가 막히게 도와줄 '미운 오리님' 들을 모집합니다.
아이디어가 너무나 뛰어나거나 항상 한발 앞서 나가서 미운 오리 취급 받으셨던 분들 우대 합니다.
모집 기간은 6월 28일 부터 7월 7일까지 이며, 지원 자격은 누구나 가능 합니다. 7월 7일 인원 선발이 끝나게 되면 24일까지 활동을 하게 됩니다. 활동을 마치면 25일 최우수 활동자 선발을 하게 되구요. 그전까지 본인이 가지고 있는 능력을 최대한 활용 할 수 있는 활동 계획이나 기획서를 제출하면 됩니다. 

자세한 사항은 http:/ 혹은 클릭클릭.
Englox 2012 여름 Look Book 촬영 현장!! 동영상에 조금씩 비춰지는 잉글록스의 스타일, 기대됩니다:)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Palais de Tokyo in Paris

I'd say this place was one of the most impressive places in Paris during my trip. That's not because of the great exhibitions there, but because of the place itself. I feel kinda jealous of having this open place in Paris for everyone to enjoy not only modern art but also just relaxing atmosphere in the Palais de Tokyo. Actually I don't quite remember what kind of exhibitions were being held at the time becuz I think I was too busy to just look around the whole places. 

When I saw the pic of Basquiat outside of the building, I was expecting there would be his exhibition, but there wasn't :(...... 

There were several rooms for video exhibitions and each room seemed to be decorated in a certain concept maybe..... and all of them offered so comfortable chairs and nest-like atmosphere so that people could appreciate the videos. 

From the evening, I could see the lightening Eiffel Tower at the back side of the building, which was so romantic even alone:)/ One more thing that I was so impressed with was if you are a student studying art or design, there will be no entrance fee for the most exhibits, and also for most of the museums or galleries in Paris, which is a really good advantage of studying art!! Now, at the point of posting this, I started wondering why the name of this place includes the city name, Tokyo?! and then I found out that's becuz the building is separated from the Seine river by the avenue de New-York, which was formerly named Quai Debilly and later Avenue de Tokio and the name Palais de Tokyo derives from the name of this street.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Museum of Eroticism in Paris

I went to this erotic place in Paris with great expectations, but to conclude, it wasn't really good than i was expecting. They charged 5 euros, maybe, but it's not really worthy unless you are crazyyy about sth geek and sexy or you have a figure collecting hobby of course, that figure should be sth about sexy.... anyway this place just reminded me of the movie 'short bus' which is surprisingly geeky and erotic as well. yeah right, if your taste of movies is like 'short bus', this place mite be interesting for u :)

Museum of eroticism is located near the metro station called Blanche, where the area is famous for Moulin Rouge, so the whole atmosphere seemed like erotic and sexyyy.... + if you go there alone, you've gotta be little bit brave cuz..... i don't know i felt kinda shy when i was about to enter into the museum.

There are 4th floors but i started to take photos from the 3rd floors where there are many looking good art pieces and posters as well. The first floor and the second were not really interesting tho, there were only some statues from the ancient century all over the world.  

I think, especially these kinds of art pieces would appear in the movie like 'short bus'

There was also many paper art work that could inspire me in many ways when I do my work.

These were like toys so that, i think, many people mite wanna play with them!! but too sexy to be kids' toys anyways. While I was taking these pics of the miniatures, I've felt that i was like a peeing tom xD

What a cute couple!!

After I saw this movie, i was kinda shocked and couldn't take my eyes off the art props, the actors' and actresses' costumes, and the sth like dirty but sexy erotic mood in the place, short bus. yeah right, I could feel the similar ways in the museum of eroticism but weaker than i felt while seeing the movie. maybe, that's because the place is still a 'Museum', not a strange place like 'Short bus'